tiistaina, helmikuuta 13, 2007

The Shoe List x 2

1. Shoes that changed my life

My first baby shoes? I don't know about a complete makeover, but I do feel like a new person sometimes with new shoes on. My black Dumond boots do a lot for me in that respect. Also, I felt quite "new" after the switch when once in Estonia, my shoes were giving me a hard time and I "had to" buy new shoes to be worn immediately..

In the picture, my very first shoes, which my Mom saved for me. Nice souvenir from time past, and an adequate one at that for a shoe-enthusiast!

2. Shoes I've worn more than once

The truth is, I have plenty of shoes I wear very frequently or even practically every day (such as my work mules or Indian slippers at home, or my black ballerinas I have on when I go the hallway with my cat morning and evening), and I have plenty of shoes I've worn only once (my pink Brumo Magli sandalettes, the silver shoes, the pink Dumond stilettos..), and I have plenty of shoes I've never had the chance wearing as yet (my Laura Ashley silk mules, the bronze shoes, the duck egg green pumps, and so on) - which is why I think this shoe-business I'm kinda in is so closely related to collecting something like, say, cigars.

3. Shoes I'd like to take with me to a deserted island

Tough one! Probably my golden sandals by Dumond, since I picture a deserted island as one of constant sunshine and warmth.

4. Shoes that turned me into a giddy

Whenever I wear my polka dot CJ's I am kinda.....well, lost to the moment.

5. Shoes that made me cry

Many shoes have made me want to cry since they were too uncomfortable or otherwise just plain impossible. Well, I have to say, the too small burgundy suede mary janes pumps I got when I was maybe 10 yrs old..

6. Shoes I wish would have been made

Hmm. This is a tough one, for I am no designer - I just enjoy and admire the creations of others. Maybe I wish they'd start remaking the Bruno Magli sandals I had years ago, since they were just so perfect.

7. A pair of shoes I wish would not have been made

Most shoes by Manolo Blahnik fall into this category, since they are sooo beautiful, yet I can't afford them! See for example this pair

8. Shoes I am currently wearing

I'm at the office, so I'm wearing my black buckled mules (and yes I know very well thank you, I should not be writing on my blog right now). These are shoes that are quite versatile and comfortable, yet stylish. I have them in black and in light green: the black ones I wear at my office nr 1 and the green ones in the office nr 2!

9. Shoes I am going to get

I'd like to finally find a pair of red stilettos that are just purrrfect.