Summer rain last, after such long season of dryness! But why just now, when I'm in a hurry to some place, and must rush to the bus stop, wearing my new white shoes from 'PK Paker', and when its pouring heavily and incessantly?! The shoes will be ruined!But I must go. So I open my navy blue polka dot umbrella which I bought in Düsseldorf and which I love (even if that love is somewhat clouded at the moment because of the foreseeable damage of the rain) - and try to take the least wet route to the bus stop. But to no avail, not only is it terribly wet everywhere, but also the bus never appears! And, while I'm waiting for the next one, with my shoes all wet, the rain naturally deceases, and sun starts shining again. Yep. My typical luck.
A lady on the bus stop tells me as a small consolation that she has been caught by every rain this summer. This is possible since it has only rained maybe five times at maximum lately. It is the driest summer in 100 years now, if I'm correct. But still she managed to be under each shower, without an umbrella. Poor her. Still, I find it awfully mean towards me that I too should at least in part share her fate - especially so since I'm wearing the most comfy yet elegant new shoes.
Material for bitterness? Yep.
I could see this coming, however, so I photographed these beauties well in time. I just knew they would be destroyed by Mother Nature soon enough. Some things are just too good to last, right? So here they are, documented. In loving memory,
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