sunnuntai, maaliskuuta 18, 2007

Tunnustan punaista?

Tänään on eduskuntavaalit. On lähes päivälleen 100 vuotta siitä, kun ensimmäiset eduskuntavaalit vietettiin Suomessa. Vaalien historiallinen merkitys on suuri: Suomi ensimmäisenä maana maailmassa antoi naisille yhtäläisen vaalioikeuden kuin miehille - sekä äänestää että olla itse ehdokkaana. 19 naista valittiinkin eduskuntaan.

Niinpä tämäkin nainen voi kävellä äänestämään. Nämä punaiset Bruno Magli -kävelykengät ovatkin juuri oivalliset lyhyttä, muutaman sadan metrin kävelymatkaa varten äänestyspaikalle*. Sää on aurinkoinen joskin hieman kylmä; hiemankaan pitempää reissua varten tukevampi kenkäpari on vielä tarpeen. Tämän huomasin tänä aamuna, kun vein kissani Ingelin ulkoilemaan valjaissa pihalle pienelle kävelylle - ensi kertaa tänä keväänä - jalassa mustat ballerinat ja lämmikkeenä vain ohut villatakki - aivan liian vähän.

Nämä olivat muuten ensimmäiset punaiset kenkäni. Ne ovat oikein mukavat, ja näyttävät hyviltä monenlaisten asujen kanssa. Mutta kun olen tottunut korkoihin, käytän näitä matalia kenkiä sittenkin melko harvoin.

*punainen kenkävalinta saattaa tietysti liittyä äänestyskäyttäytymiseeni, mutta voipa se hyvin olla siihen liittymättäkin ;)

The Colour Purple

I just love the colour purple, so providing this post was a great pleasure - in more ways than one.

I am still at home ill, so I have the time to photograph and write. I also took the time, after a long time, to build an ensemble for the picture - a real still-life.

These purple Bruno Magli sandalettes with golden heels and decorations date some 15 years back. I've only worn them a couple of times, maybe twice or thrice - I'm not sure. They are surrounded by items in similar colour: In the background there is a Chinese bag that I bought quite recently, maybe 2 weeks ago. The shoes are placed on top of a Tibetan or Indian scarf that I bought in 1998 from Tibetan monks who came from the Dharamsala monastery all the way to Finland, to build a mandala from grains of coloured sand inside the exhibition halls of the Design museum I was working at at the time. There was a whole exhibition on Tibetan culture, and even Dalai Lama himself visited us! Those were truly interesting moments!

The ensemble is completed with a cute little brooch from Pilgrim.

The name of the blog came to my mind from a film with similar title by Steven Spielberg (1985). This is an important film about the rights of black women. Oprah Winfrey, whose talk show I just love, was playing one of the leading roles as Sofia in it. So, I dedicate this post to that film and to human rights in general!

lauantaina, maaliskuuta 17, 2007

Duck Egg Green Is My Favourite Colour

I bought these shoes already last summer, but somehow never got to wear them. In a way that is not so surprising - it sometimes takes me a long time to get used to some shoes. Also, I buy them to my "stock", so to speak - if I see a bargain, I do grab it.

I really like the colour of these shoes, the pale hue of green often described as Duck Egg green. The leather is nicely soft as can be seen from the way it has been gathered to form tiny folds in the front. The colour of the lining nicely enhances and compliments the main colouring.

The shoes are very very sweet, and just nice to look at. However, I have made a definite plan to wear them this year!

Is it really my favourite colour? Well, truth to be told, I have many favourite colours, and this is indeed one of them.

perjantaina, maaliskuuta 16, 2007

Cream the only right word to describe this lovely pair from Sandro Vicari I purchased several years ago. Funny to notice from the company webpages that they also are behind the label "Linea Wally's" - I used to have many pairs from them years ago, which I truly liked.

These shoes always earn me compliments, still I get to wear them rather seldom, since they are so delicate. I tried to photograph the shoes showing the Louis XIV style curved heel, too, since it is so rare these days in shoes. At least it is the only pair with such heels in my collection!

When do I wear the pair? To more festive day events, of type, when my sister throws a birthday party for relatives, for example.

Sometimes I have been asked, "How many pairs of shoes do you have?" The answer to this somewhat meaningless question is, "I don't know." A most appropriate answer would probably be "Not half as many as I would like!"

The New Indian Slippers

Again, I'm at home sick, with yet another flu. Alas! I am so tired of falling ill all the time, all over again.

This time it was the early spring that tempted me outside with too little on, lured by the wonderful sunshine that has lighted this city for a few days in a row now. As I left from work on Tuesday, I was freezing, and next day I already had to leave early. Since then I've stayed within four walls, once more confined to my little flat. But with the sun finally there, I can bear it - but only just so!

So, on my feet, as most of the time these days, my new pair of Indian slippers I purchased in the sales some time in January. I had spotted the pair earlier, but hesitated, since I already had a pair. However, luckily I realised that the 5-year-old pair was developing holes in the soles, and I would soon be really needing a new pair. (There are many types of needing of shoes, this is, I guess, the most authentic one in a way.)

These new slippers are very nice and this time I was better prepared to stop my cat from ripping the inside stuffing out of the soles as she did last time - she just loves the smell of new leather! In fact, I originally bought the first pair because of her: I wanted to get a pair of slippers that feel like there is no sole at all, so that I would notice if I'm about to step on her tail!